Saturday, September 8, 2012

Opening Convocation: When I Think of Home

On Thursday we had our opening convocation. Our student leaders started this event last year so this was the second one. As you can see, we had a tremendous crowd- standing room only. People were standing in the foyer of the chapel as well.
During our orientation week, we used the theme "Ease on Down the Oaks" inspired by The Wiz. So I used as a theme forhe convocation, "When I Think Of Home." I wanted to describe what a healthy family looks like. The first criteria is to have respected and responsible elders. Students should respect faculty and staff, but likewise, the faculty and staff must carry themselves in a manner to role model positive behaviors.

Second we must promote and protect each other. In a social media world, people often lash out at each other or their organizations via Facebook and Twitter. We have to use social media to encourage and motivate each other. Finally, healthy families have an active love. We go out of our way to cheer each other up, to help when needed. We just don't say we're a family, we act like one.

I tried to say that my family is here because we want to be, and that we want to be involved in the lives of our students. My wife spoken to a dozen or more pre-law students after the event since she is excellent in helping students navigate that process. The point was that when we think of home, we think of Dillard, and I hope that everyone else there does as well.
The Prez